Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds have grown to new heights with all the new technology. Some virtual worlds include virtual classrooms, VR headsets, and the online gaming world.The common theme with many of these worlds is the ability to meet, chat and interact with other people. The pros of virtual worlds are that it allows people to create and collaborate with others. "The ability to collaborate effectively using virtual tools may now become an increasingly important skill as technology offers more options than, say, video conferencing.". Another pro is that you are don't have to leave home to be able to go on these virtual worlds. All you really need is a computer to access virtual worlds. The last pro is that people can learn about important issues that they may have never heard about in life. "Savill has Asperger's syndrome and said he wanted Naughty Auties to serve those with autism spectrum disorders and their friends and family. Savill, who represents himself in the virtual world using an avatar named Dave Sparrow, said one benefit is that visitors can practice social interaction and find information about the condition. The graphical representations of real people create a "comfort zone" that can coax users out of their shells and get them communicating with others, he said."(Saidi). Some cons about these virtual worlds is that everyone is basically anonymous. You don't really know who you are interacting with and that could potentially be very dangerous. Virtual worlds allow people to express their creativity because it is not real. With virtual worlds, you are able to create and make things that you could not be able to in the real world. In the future I believe that virtual worlds will expand and become more popular because of the accessibility and creativity aspect of it. 

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